Where can we ship to?
*U.S. Territories
*United Kingdom
*And the most country over the world. If you don’t know whether your address can be deliver or not, please feel free to contact us.

How long the order will start ship?
If the products are in stock, we will process all orders within 1-4 business days of the order being received.

How much does shipping cost ?

Shipping to the United States Continent (except other islands in the United States):

$9.90 - Tracked Shipping for orders under 2kg

$11.90 - Tracked Shipping for orders over 2kg

· Free shipping on every orders over $89

What delivery method do we use?
It depends on your shipping address.

How long can the package been delivered?
Please note that the approximate shipping times are estimates provided by the shipping provider, but are not guaranteed. Additionally, our express service provider have suspended all service guarantees until further notice due to the global impact of COVID-19. As this is outside of our control, we cannot guarantee delivery timing.
Please allow extra time to receive your order.